Electronic Health Record.
Online Pharmacy.

Start your Journey!

Our Products

Electronic Health records

Efficient and cost effective way for health practitioners, hospitals, pharmacies and clinics to document their patients health records according to HIPAA regulations and global healthcare standard.

Document Patients health records

Accessible from any location

Cloud-based storage

Secured and HIPAA compliant

Simple to use

Track patients' medication

Free for up to 100 patients'records

Evidence-based decision making tool

Reduce medical error

Online Pharmacy Market Place

Are you eligible to operate an online pharmacy? Setup your online pharmacy store in less than five mins. Help patients access safe and effective medications

Locate pharmacies stocked with your preferred medications.

High quality medication for residents in rural and underserved urban areas.

Transparency and Fast delivery

Medication mix

Vetted Pharmacies and pharmacists.

Affordable price

Product visibility


Virtual consultation with your healthcare practitioner and patient in a single click.

Virtual consultation with your healthcare provider

24/7 support

EHR, Chat and Medication integration

Access to specialists


Medical access to rural and underserved urban residents.

Are you eligible to operate an online pharmacy?

Setup your online pharmacy store in less than five mins. Help patients access safe and effective medications.

Serving over 100+ hospitals, community pharmacies, clinics and health practitioners.